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Hereward Highlights

September 2, 2016 Mike Whitaker 0

We’re actually really excited about the range of things we have for you at this year’s show: it’s been fun, if hard work, drawing it all together, but here are some things to look out for. Games. We’re delighted to … [more]

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Ticketing issues

September 2, 2016 Mike Whitaker 0

As some of you may have noticed, we’ve had a couple of teething problems with our new payment and ticketing solution. On occasions, trying to pay for a tournament entry or advance ticket gives an error from Paypal: in this … [more]

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Getting to and around the Cresset

September 2, 2016 Mike Whitaker 0

So you’re clutching your freshly printed advance ticket in hand (see what I did there?) and wondering how to get to the show. First off, let me direct you to the Directions page, which should answer most of your questions. There will … [more]