Tabletop Sale
Some of you have probably seen this on our site and gone ‘what’? As per last year, we have elected not to run a bring-and-buy sale, but instead provide table space for people to book for an hour to sell … [more]
Some of you have probably seen this on our site and gone ‘what’? As per last year, we have elected not to run a bring-and-buy sale, but instead provide table space for people to book for an hour to sell … [more]
Thanks to our sponsors Gripping Beast, the firs 250 attendees at the show will each receive one of their gorgeous “Harold Hardradda, Viking Hero” 28mm figures (yours will be unpainted, though :D). Those who made it to the show last time will be … [more]
Regrettably, we have chosen to cancel the Bolt Action tournament scheduled for the show due to a very low turnout of players. Players will be contacted separately by email.
Here is the full list of traders signed up to attend Hereward this year. Make sure you get any orders for collection in to them ASAP! Ainsty Castings – www.ainsty-castings.co.uk Asylum Wargaming – www.asylumwargaming.co.uk Black Pyramid Gaming – www.blackpyramid.co.uk Brigade Models – www.brigademodels.co.uk … [more]
The list of participation and demo games for the 2016 show is up. Enjoy!
Entry pages for all our tournaments are now up, including the Magic: The Gathering and X-Wing events. It’s definitely not too late to enter, and we can (at a pinch) accept entries on the day for most of the tournaments, … [more]
The 28th and final trader for Hereward 2016 is Daruma Productions. Daruma are the designers and manufacturers of the relatively new SLA game which is currently doing quite well on Kickstarter and a demo table should be available so that … [more]
The 27th confirmed trader for Hereward 2016 is Grubby Tanks / Britannia Miniatures. We are very pleased to welcome Andy and his team to the show and we are sure that any of you that game or model in 20mm … [more]
The 26th confirmed trader for Hereward 2016 is Mantic Games! Mantic are well known as the publishers of such diverse games as Warpath, Deadzone, Dreadball, Mars Attacks, Kings of War and Dungeon Saga. As well as a retail stand, Mantic … [more]
The 24th and 25th confirmed traders for Hereward 2016 are both rules publishers! First up we welcome the TooFatLardies. Too Fat Lardies is a vibrant wargames development partnership that produces an ever growing range of rule sets for what they … [more]
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