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Thank you, for another year

September 3, 2017 Mike Whitaker 0

So, that’s it. Another day of games, traders and the like in the well-lit confines of the Cresset. Huge thank-yous to all our traders, and everyone who put on games, to our sponsors, to Karen, David, Grant and their team … [more]

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X-Wing Tournament Update

September 2, 2017 Mike Whitaker 0

A note for all X-Wing tournament entrants – by dint of some subtle furniture arranging on the ground (the venue let us in to check setup this afternoon), we’ve made enough space to fit the X-Wing tournament in next to … [more]

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Show Awards

September 2, 2017 Mike Whitaker 0

As for the past two years, we will be awarding the Steve Frisby Memorial Trophy for the best game in the show, as voted for by our members. (OK, to be fair, ‘voted for’ usually translates to the chairman running … [more]

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A day to go!

September 2, 2017 Mike Whitaker 0

So just a few last minute notes. Pre-sales for general admission (£3) will close at 11pm tonight. After that you will only be able to pay at the door (£5). Accompanied under 16s are (still) free. Directions: the big reminder … [more]

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MtG Tournament Cancelled

September 1, 2017 Mike Whitaker 0

Due to a lack of interest, we’re regrettably not going to hold the Magic The Gathering Tournament this year. Our thanks to the Rift for their support. (Rest assured, the X-Wing tournament is still going ahead!)

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Trader News

September 1, 2017 Reuben Turner 0

Leven Miniatures have had to withdraw from the show due to illness. We wish them well and hope to see them at a future Hereward.