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We’re in Miniature Wargames!

January 22, 2016 Mike 0

For those of you who missed last year’s show, or maybe just want to reminisce a bit, Neil Shuck has written us a very generous review in the new Miniature Wargames (issue 394). As far as this year goes, you … [more]

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Trader News

January 19, 2016 Reuben Turner 0

Our first confirmed trader for Hereward 2016 is @twistedpinnaclegames. Find out more about them on their website Any traders interested in attending our 2016 show are welcome to contact us by email at

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January 3, 2016 Reuben Turner 0

After a little break we have started planning for next year’s Hereward show, which will be on SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4TH. The FB page for the Event can be found here: Please feel free to like and share! The show … [more]

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A big “Thank You”…

January 2, 2016 Mike 0

The Hereward Show team and all at Peterborough Wargames Club would like to extend their thanks to all of the Traders, Gamers and members of the public, and the staff of the Cresset that came to Hereward this year and … [more]