You can now buy advance tickets for the show (£3 each) from the Buy Tickets link in the menu bar.
Additionally, as last year, we will not be running a bring and buy. However, borrowing an excellent idea from the folks at Hammerhead and elsewhere, we will be running a tabletop sale. You may book a one-hour slot on a table in the main hall to sell your wares, for £5 in addition to your admission fee. We recommend booking in advance as this may govern how many tables we make available.
Please note that slots include 5 minutes each setup and clear-away time, and are at 10:30-11:30, 11.30-12:30, 12:30-1:30 snd 1:30-2:30. As of now we have four tables available for each time slot – this is subject to change depending on demand.
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