Some of you have probably seen this on our site and gone ‘what’?
As per last year, we have elected not to run a bring-and-buy sale, but instead provide table space for people to book for an hour to sell their unwanted stuff. It’s an idea we borrowed from the good folks at Hammerhead (among other places), and in general shows seem to have found that it reduces admin overhead (and also theft).
We have four tables in each one hour slot, starting on the half hour at 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, and 1:30. You’ll find the tables at the far left as you enter, up on the low stage. Bring your cash (there’s an ATM outside the Cresset by the BP garage), and snap up some bargains from the folks who have already booked a slot. If you want to book, we still have two tables left in the 1:30-2:30 slot at the time of posting.
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