Our plan, once again, is to run a YouTube stream for the length of the show (10am to 4pm) with a combination of chat, prerecorded videos of various sorts, possibly dipping in on live Zoom calls of games put on for the show, plus adverts/informercials from our traders. This was an entertaining success last year, and we’re keen to do it again. We already have a couple of interviews and some games scheduled.
Would you be interested in taking part? We’re rather hoping that after another year of lockdown people have picked up more skills related to making videos! I’m available for all of next week (23rd on) should you want some advice or help, or simply to schedule a Zoom chat for a demo of some sort.
Possible options you might want to consider:
– record us a 30 sec – 2 min video advert for your products we can show one or more times
– record an infomercial (for want of a better word) – 10-30 mins in depth look at a ruleset or product, or an edited gameplay session, or some wargames-related history: your choice.
– Zoom a live game (with remote players), and the ‘show’ will come drop in on you and find out how it’s going from time to time (we have the tech for this). What we plan to do is also get people putting on games to stream their game to YouTube as well (if they have a Pro account this is trivial – we can show you how if needed), so that we can have a page of ‘show games’ for people to go watch in addition to the main feed.
– join in with a live or prerecorded chat or panel on some topic in wargaming plus perhaps live Q&A via Zoom afterwards – if you have any thoughts on such a panel or chat, or would be interested in participating, please let us know!
If you’re interested, or have any other suggestions to offer, please drop us a line at virtual@hereward-wargames.co.uk
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