June 2024 Update

June 6, 2024 Reuben Turner 0

There’s just a very little over 3 months until this year’s Hereward Wargames Show 2024 so we’re going to ramp up our posting and let you know about all the games and traders that are booked to attend. We currently … [more]

Hereward 2024 Update

March 19, 2024 Reuben Turner 0

We’ve been quitely working away for the last couple of months and are pleased to say that at the moment we have 12 participation games and 15 traders booked to attend this year’s Hereward Wargames Show 2024 and discussions continuing … [more]

Trade Bookings Now Open

January 28, 2024 Reuben Turner 0

Trade bookings for this year’s show are now being accepted. If you have previously attended the show as a trader you should have received an email from us with details of how to book – please check your spam folder … [more]

Trader Change

August 29, 2023 Reuben Turner 0

For personal reasons Ironclad Miniatures have had to withdraw from this year’s show, and as long term supporters of the show we would like to give them our best wishes. We have moved switfly to fill the space and are … [more]

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2023 Traders Full List

August 19, 2023 Reuben Turner 0

Here’s the current list of traders booked to attend this year’s show. Make sure you place orders for collection in good time as they may not be able to bring their full ranges! 2D6 Wargaming – www.2d6wargaming.com ABC Brushes – … [more]

jb wargamming scenery


July 30, 2023 Reuben Turner 0

John at JB Wargamming Scenery has offered a 10% discount on orders placed for collection at this year’s show. Please view the catalogue and ordering instructions at this link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1d6T3lnyzQWFMFtMNXkj6k-GEMKUT7Li7?usp=share_link

jb wargamming scenery

Trader News

July 29, 2023 Reuben Turner 0

Our last, and by no means least, additional trader is yet another returnee to Hereward. JB Wargamming Scenery make a wide selection of MDF kits to enhance your gaming table, everything from buildings to ships. Check out their range at … [more]


Trader News

July 26, 2023 Reuben Turner 0

The second additional trader we’re very pleased to welcome to this year’s show is ROK Minis, who make such a wide range of things that it’s hard to know where to start, so we’ll just suggest that you head on … [more]

2D6 Wargaming Logo

Trader News

July 24, 2023 Reuben Turner 0

Yes we are returning to the topic of traders attending this year’s show because we have had so much interest that we’ve been able to take extra space! The first additional trader we are welcoming is 2D6 Wargaming who create … [more]